  • 2004

    Eurasian Consulting was founded in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

  • 2006

    Starte to provide systematic consulting services for investments and M&A projects of German companies in China.

  • 2006

    Successful operation of the acquisition of Munich RE and MEAG in China.

  • 2007

    Start of M&A buy side advisory for acquisitions by Chinese companies in Europe.

  • 2009

    Expansion of the shareholder base.

  • 2010

    Foundation of subsidiary in Shanghai.

  • 2010

    As exclusive M&A buyer consultant, support Ningbo joyson in its successful acquisition of a leading German car manufacturer Preh.

  • 2011

    The company moved into its new office in Frankfurt am Main. The team of consultants was further enlarged.

  • 2012

    As the exclusive buyer consultant, supported XCMG in its acquisition of the German leading manufacturer of concrete construction machinery SCHWING.

  • 2013

    The Shanghai subsidiary moved into a new office in Xuhui District. Foundation of subsidiary in Beijing.

  • 2015

    Establishment of Board of Supervisors.

  • 2016

    Founded a RMB fund – the GFH Sino-European M&A Fund together with state-owned Guangzhou Finance Holdings (GFH) Group and successfully completed the first investment in the European robotics field.

  • 2016

    As the exclusive buyer advisor, supported Fosun in its acquisition of the German private bank Hauck & Aufhäuser with a history of more than 200 years.

  • 2017

    As the exclusive buyer advisor, supported Truking in its acquisition of Romaco, a leading processing and packaging machinery manufacturer.

  • 2021

    As the exclusive M&A advisor, supported Kingenta in its acquisition (in 2016) and subsequent sale (in 2021) of Europe's leading horticultural fertilizer brand COMPO.

  • 2022

    The Hongkong subsidiary was incorporated.

  • 2023

    As the exclusive seller advisor, supported DiaSys in selling its subsidiaries in China and sale of majority shares to Mindray in the past 10 years or so.

  • Till Now

    Eurasian Consulting has provided M&A and strategy consulting services for over 100 Chinese and European enterprises and succeeded in accomplishing several cross-border M&A cases with huge influence on certain industries. 

Business Liaison:

Germany:+49 (0)69 2713 9970

China:+86 (0)21 3461 8683

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